Moon Struck Quartet

Nice to see you Mr. Moon
or are you Lady Luck
Although it matters not at all
When suddenly I’m struck
Is Moonlight nature’s call
to life
Is Earth the long sought love
I see you winking my dear Moon
Announcing life above.
So life above & life below
Created by the cosmic flow.
And flow is ever at your whim
Giving birth to She & Him.

Tender is the memory
Of knowing you so dear
I want to call you back again
To keep it ever clear

In but a moment we did meet
We danced around the moon
Like lovers caught at mornings light
The sun rose far too soon.

Yet in that morning light I saw
You kiss both moon and sun
And in that instant I did know
that two is held by one.

As sunlight dances on each wave
I seem to hear you smile
I feel you whisper lovingly
I’m here to stay awhile

And so I heed your loving call
I sit and watch you play- Ah
Great master of the universe
Creating night and day

Your magic is an awesome sight
the moon a memory past
As sunlight dances on each wave
The cosmic dice are cast!

When one moves forth
Does one not call
Your loving in return
As each step along the path
We feel desire burn.
To know you as the friend
Who lights our hearts along the way
Each light creates another step
As night gives birth to day.