Category: Uncategorized
Circling the Square
Firelight flickered, footsteps quickened,voices lowered to a hushed whisper, then lowered still further and as heart strings were plucked tenderly the Sufis danced their way through the starlit night; leaving Arabia Felix they danced their way westward across a sea of sand, through Egypt and the desert across to the oases of Morocco and up…
Between, what isand what is notis the entire realmof philosophical thoughtThe fine line of logosgiving eros a kissa philosopher lives forsuch a moment as this. Rokie, PacificaMarch 1997 AND THE WEATHER TONIGHTStorm tossed I land in theheart of your affections andI am home.Wrinkled and worn I sink into thesoul of your laughter andI am home.Overwhelmed…
Betwixt and Between
Life is seldom simple, to talk about it is not simple at all. Even the responsibility of this paper came with five choices … five different but equally useful roads leading into the heart of Rome. Rome? Depth psychology in this case…an investigation into the fundamental meanings given to this process we call Life. There…
Aphrodite Does Lunch
It is hard to remember when the world of the Goddess was not part of my daily life. Much travel and adventure had placed me at the doors of her sanctuaries while still in my early twenties and those gateways had summoned me inward to a world which began to occupy my thoughts … until…
A Kiss You Say
A Kiss You SayJust one more kissA song so sweet so tender you dismissall other melodiesYou sing of gentlenessOf knights in shining whiteOf cupid’s play for Psyche –and the song of love is playedA kiss you sayJust one more fore the roadJust one to last until the dream’s unfoldand there you areagain a wonderFaceless, lifeless,…